Wednesday, April 14, 2010

You probably aren't doing anything significant?

I recently read this quote by Israel Wayne. He's a popular conference speaker who lives in Michigan state. His words really struck me hard.

"If no one is accusing you of being too legalistic, then you probably aren't living a holy life.

If no one is accusing you of being a 'bleeding heart', then you probably aren't loving enough.

If no one is accusing you of being too dogmatic, then you probably aren't standing for the truth.

If no one is accusing you... or criticizing probably aren't doing anything significant."

Why this same old issue seems to arise in me every day is difficult for me to understand!
"Am i doing anything significant? "
I steward my life in such a way so that i don't have to have people accuse me of this or that. I want to be liked and loved, and thought of as great, and useful. Not loud, ill tempered or dogmatic.
I guess if i measure my significance against a worldly standard. i am pathetic.
I work at starbucks making minimum wage, i have never really accomplished any MAJOR goal i've set for myself, and i haven't changed to world.
Neither am i working with those in need to make their lives a better place, or seeing my friends and family get saved.
I am just a woman.
This may sounds slightly cheesy; but if i can accomplish being a Proverbs 31 woman. I am significant.
Hasn't it only been in the last 100 or so years, that woman have had to work for status?
Did not God create woman to bear children, and run their homes, and support there community and intensely love their husbands?
Did not God create woman specifically to be a partner for the man? I may sound old school here, but hear my out.
I'm not trying to sugar coat my lazy desire to quit work and stay at home, or give an excuse as to why i don't seem to meet my goals. I'm just staying that i've talked to way to many girls friends who don't feel significant, and i'm trying to find out why?
God wants to use me, and wants me to be willing to be used by Him, but i can't do that if my focus is on appearance and a concern for my own personal well being. I have to be open to Him daily.
I have to put off my own goals, and desires for status or an amazing worldly job so that people would think better of me, if i want to be used by Him. It's actually quite simple. Serve Christ Above All Else.
You may accuse me of being legalistic, you may accuse me of being overly sensitive, You may accuse me of being a bit sexist.
You can criticize all you want.
For i know, my worth is in Christ. And I am significant to Him.

~The Warrior and the Wife~

Sunday, April 4, 2010

From my heart, i feel. From my eyes, i judge. From my ears, i try to listen. From my hands, i hold a selective few. From my feet, i fear to tread new territory.

From his heart, is love. From his eyes, is compassion. From his ears, he hears beauty. From his hands, he reaches out. From his feet, he'd walk a thousand miles and then some.

My Husband is Amazing.
He is my best friend.
He Strives to be like Christ.
Not only is he great! He helps me be a better person too.
When i look in his eyes, i see kindness. He eludes Jesus from his being.
He is my helper, supporter, and caregiver.

What my God has done for me, by giving me such an amazing companion, speaks volumes of His love for me!
God organized our lives together in such a way for each other.
I am so thankful for my partner. I am so thankful for my God.
This easter i want to give Praise to God for saving my husby.
Giving him new life, through Christ's death.

~The Warrior and the Wife~

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Time to Set Sail.

I know this may seem weird.
I start a blog, write two posts, leave it and never come back. Until now.
When i first started my blog i was excited to share what i had on my mind, i was nervous about those who might be reading it, and i wasn't sure if i was doing it all for the right motives.
Now...after a year of learning and growing and taking one more step in my journey, i've realized this is something i really want to do!
But i didn't get there alone. With help from Earnest Shackleton and the inspiration of my beloved friends, i am back!
Earnest Shackleton, the famous polar explorer from 1914 put a very interesting want-ad in the newspaper:
"Men wanted for hazardous journey. Small wages. Bitter cold. Long months of complete darkness. Constant danger. Safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in case of success." Who wants in!? "ME ME ME".
In total, 27 crew members were recruited for a journey aboard "The Endurance" for a 2-year British Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition. Despite their boat sinking and living on a piece of floating ice for 497 days in Antarctica, every single man eventually made it home to safety.

Last week a really amazing couple, who are best friends with me and husby, told us they were leaving the country for two and half years! I instantly was sad, and started crying like a baby.
God had told them to go, He had opened the path for them to move to costa rica, they listened, sold or gave everything they had away, packed up a 100 things, and left!
At first i was angry when i heard the news. I never pictured our life without our best friends in it! Then i was sad, they were leaving us behind to go this great adventure without us!
Then after thought and prayer, i was happy for them. I felt peace, and i knew they had made the right decision. They were following their dreams, better yet....God's dream! And they were a part of it!

It made me wonder. If my own dreams aren't all that exciting, if i'm not moving to strange a country to grow closer to God, if i'm not pastor, or a counselor, or a NGO worker, who i'm I? What am i doing to change or help the kingdom of heaven? Is my passion to be a mother enough? Should i enjoy living in a culture with cute shoes, and cute clothes!? I'm i materialistic because i have soo much? Is it wrong that lamps and candles and art make my heart beat faster!
All these question did consume my thoughts. Why wasn't i being used? How come husby and i weren't asked to go!?

Truth is, would I have listened? Could i sell everything i have? Would i be willing to give up my family, my belonging, and my friends? I still don't have those answers, and I would like to believe that if God told me to GO, i'd GO....but.
That's just it.
There is a but.
Because of my moment of hesitation i wonder if that "but" is preventing me from stepping out and doing the will of God.
I really don't know what my God ordained life should look like. I struggle with that. Yet i must say. Because i struggle, i feel happy.
I am encouraged, and i am happy.
"when we are weak, he is strong" - 2 Corinthians 12:10
When our friends stepped out in faith like that, to do something crazy and wild, and extreme, it made me want the same. I didn't and don't want to move away, but i do want to be used.
God send me on a chase! Help me find what you have in store for me!
So the reason i've decided to blog again?!?
Well, it's simple really. I need accountability. I need to regularly be reviewing what i'm learning, I need to be intentional about finding truth where i go, and i need the chance to reach, teach, and guide others towards Jesus! Who knows, maybe i'll encourage some too, like J&M encouraged me!
It's time to raise my sails, and answer God's ridiculous want-ad for me, "Live dangerously. Live outside the box. Tour the world. Live simply. Experience mountain tops and long months of complete darkness.... Honour and recognition in case of success."
Bon Voyage!
The Warrior and the Wife

Friday, March 20, 2009

Coffee Obsession...

Today i rose early and made a huge pot of coffee. The perfect way to start off the day. Only to realize there was no one here to share it with me. I shrugged, and got out one of my massive cappuccino mugs (it a bowl with a handle really) to help make the proportions look smaller.....I am currently on my third cup! The caffeine buzz is beginning to set in for the day, and I'm ready to go!....

Have you ever wondered just how far an obsession can go? I mean you hear about stories where a kid is so obsessed with drinking water that he goes to drastic measure to get his hands on it. Like drinking it out of the toilet bowl.  Or what about being so concerned with your weight that you starve yourself! Or so obsessed with your looks you get plastic surgery.
Does any of this ringing a bell?
Our culture is so OBSESSED with looks, and weight and style, and reputation, that we don't realize we're making the worst impression on the only one we should care for the opinion of the most.

I've heard over and over again that so many non-believers hate christians because they've been so hurt by them. Stabbed in the back, turned against by the church, blah blah blah. I'm not saying they're right, and their is always two sides to every story, BUT what have we made of ourselves when we hurl insults at those who do not know Christ, and bad mouth those who do!? We are only making a reputation for ourselves that God would have nothing to do with. 

There's this story in Matthew, about Jesus sitting down to eat with tax collectors and sinners along with his disciples. And some Pharisees come along and see this and ask Jesus' disciples why their teacher is eating with those kinds of people. Jesus hears this and reply's "It is not the healthy that need a doctor, but the sick." 

Is it not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick

I love this story. Yet sadly i have to report that i am one of those sick people Jesus came to save. I wish i was healthy as a bee (the coffee's probably not helping that much) but I'm not. 
I struggle with wanting to be appear perfect. A clean house, a skinny waist, great hair, and OHHH how i wish.......a pimple free face! 
Am i obsessed with reputation? Am i obsessed with perfection? How far would i be willing to go for my obsessions?
A couple years back, i was talking to one of my best friends, cat, on the phone. We were chatting about beauty, and the typical "want" of a young girl our age (popularity) for quite awhile when i all of a sudden exclaimed "I just wish i was Perfect!!" Cat paused for a second and asked me. "Who is the most perfect you can think of then?"
"I mean who is the most perfect person that every walked the face of the earth?"
"Jesus" i stammered
"Then if Jesus is and has been the only perfect person in the whole world, and you want to be PERFECT, you need to be more like Jesus."
That life lessons has never left me. I bring it up, chew on it and tell myself again and again. Be like Jesus. A very hard, and daunting task. Not easy, and even painful at times, but a reputation worth obsessing about. If i could be so obsessed with being like Christ (in a healthy way of course) could i then help save those sick? Could i touch a life, or encourage a child. Could God use ME?

Reminds me of a podcast i heard once that said being a Christian is a lot like playing one of Mozart's most difficult musical pieces. We suck at it, and we slaughter it, and those listening (those watching) say "I HATE MOZART, HE CAN'T WRITE MUSIC AT ALL" but in reality, what mozart wrote was beautiful. It was flawless, and perfect. It was the student that could not play it well. In parallel, us 'christians' try to be like christ, but often we fail. And others blame what they see in us as what Jesus must be. We've given Him a bad rep.
So if i have to, i'll die trying to be committed to Christ. I'll die trying to help those who are sick, and need Him. I'll die from too much coffee in my attempt to get one more person to meet with me, so i can tell them about God. 
Cause like the old saying goes...."Practice makes Perfect!" 

~The Warrior and the Wife~

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Typical

There's this beautifully written song by a band called MuteMath that sings about how life can be so typical. Being a typical person, living a typical life, doing everyday typical things, and wants to know how long it will be before that spell breaks. How long will it be before they can be 'somebody'. 
To be truthful, this is a question i've asked myself many times. "How long before i get my big break", "How long till i can be SOMEBODY". 
It's like everyone i know is waiting for that new car, or dream job, that perfect boyfriend, or a load of cash to make them a 'Somebody'! Yet these things are only a vapor in the wind. It's the worlds typical way to make them....well, typically Happy. 

Am i really waiting on those kinds of things to make me a somebody? A cool top, a great pair of shoes, or losing five pounds? Not that those things are bad, BUT when i rank my self worth or happiness to how much i have, or how good i can look, I have become a slave to it. I have let the devil take a foothold of me, and my heart, mind and soul just can not justify that! 

So it makes me wonder, "how do i steer from becoming the typical?". What or who do i have to act like, talk like, or look like to become that 'somebody'? 
It might sound silly, but after much heart ache, i found the Answer I needed: Christ. 
Philippians 2:5 -Your attitude should be like that of Christ Jesus- I need to be like Christ!
I mean seriously, wasn't Jesus the most untypical man that ever walked the face of the earth!?! He healed people, He transformed lives, He taught His people how to live differently. He died for them. He taught us how to live un-typically. 
I can't just ignore that. I neeeed Him!

I might not have all my ducks in a row, and i definitely am far from being un-typical, but i do want to be the 'Somebody' that Christ wants me to be. I do want to be set apart from this world, and I do want to Go Against the Grain. (wearing a cute pair of shoes while i'm at it I might add) I just hope and pray Christ redeems the mistakes i have made for His glory, and that i will continues to grow and learn to be a Woman of God. 
So please, join me on my Journey, and I will try to share with you the things I am so privileged to learned from my God.
~The Warrior and the Wife~